
Showing posts from July, 2024
By mistake, I uploaded the following as a 'comment', rather than as a post on 7 July 2024. I had been writing on this topic (in longhand, in a notebook) starting from 16 June 2024. The text is mostly in Turkish. ============ Cehennem Hakkında… Ben teoloji konularında agnostiğim. (1980’den beri Müslüman değilim. Benimsediğim din Laruunaş – İngilizce: Laruunash. Yani cehennem ve Ahiret Günü gibi konulardaki sorulara herhangi bir otorite ile cevap verebilecek konumda değilim. Ama Tektanrıcı insanların da teoloji konularında otorite olduklarından emin değilim. Bu hayat gerçekten bir imtihan mıdır? Ben bilemem; ama olmadığını da kanıtlayamam. Bu dünyada bilerek ve isteyerek kötülük yapan ve rahat yaşayıp uzun ömürlerinin sonunda rahat ölen insanlar hiç hesap vermeyecekler mi? Umarım hesap verir ve ceza çekerler. Ben genelde zalimlerden değil mazlumlardan oldum. Ama benim de pişman olduğum pek çok kötülük var 62 yıllık geçmişimde. Umarım ben de hesap ve
I often get emails from organizations that ask me to support 'struggling families', women with children, and the like. Sometimes, even in response to my ads in Craigslist offering to collaborate toward 'radical' goals, I get requests to assist single mothers... On 26 July 2024, I wrote the following email in response to an email that I received telling me the 'inspiring' story of a Nigerian father of five girls who, after abusing his wife for not giving him a son, and having extramarital affairs, 'saw the light', repented for his ways, and asked forgiveness from his wife, etc. The charitable organization claims that this was (partly) thanks to their educational program in Nigeria that the man attended. Perhaps I was expected to be impressed with the kind of 'fruit' that the organization's work bears. I welcome moral transformations, even if they are rather late in life. After all, I cannot forget the example of John Newton (https://en.wikiped