I often get emails from organizations that ask me to support 'struggling families', women with children, and the like. Sometimes, even in response to my ads in Craigslist offering to collaborate toward 'radical' goals, I get requests to assist single mothers...

On 26 July 2024, I wrote the following email in response to an email that I received telling me the 'inspiring' story of a Nigerian father of five girls who, after abusing his wife for not giving him a son, and having extramarital affairs, 'saw the light', repented for his ways, and asked forgiveness from his wife, etc. The charitable organization claims that this was (partly) thanks to their educational program in Nigeria that the man attended.

Perhaps I was expected to be impressed with the kind of 'fruit' that the organization's work bears. I welcome moral transformations, even if they are rather late in life. After all, I cannot forget the example of John Newton (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Newton). That said, some of us also have to be clear-eyed about the general trends, and the overall level of human destructiveness on this planet. In Nigeria, in particular, there is much that is going wrong, and many things are getting worse, despite much good work by the locals, visitors, NGOs, etc.

I am not expecting a reply from those who sent me (and countless others) the email. But I do hope to hear from Nigerians who wish to see an end to the human population growth in their country (which, inescapably, is coupled with a decline in the population of wild life, deforestation, etc.).

I also want to be able to refer to this brief statement, when I am asked about the nature of my readiness to help girls and women in need.


Dear Colleagues,

I am a 62-year-old man who decided never to have any children at the age of 18. No one ever got pregnant because of me --I know this for certain. Nor did I ever urge or intentionally support anybody to have children ('thanks to' governments, I am constantly taxed to subsidize human procreation).

The kind of women that I would gladly support are those who, like me, chose NEVER TO HAVE ANY BIOLOGICAL CHILDREN. I especially admire those women who study/work in medicine, or health-related fields; teach in fields related to public safety, basic sciences, etc.; child-free women who adopt orphans/other people's children; and those women who volunteer as 'decoys' to help apprehend violent men, would-be rapists, and the like.

Let me know if you can connect me with such women anywhere on earth. Let me also know if you are serious about doing anything to render your work less and less necessary over time, by making sure that poverty, cruelty, stupidity, and general human destructiveness are not perpetuated (very often by some of the victims of cruelty, stupidity, indifference, etc.).

I did some volunteer work for Save the Children in the early '90s, when they had an office in New York. I would also be interested in finding out about those who, after working for causes like yours, feel 'burnt out', and quit...

I live in New York.




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